Budweiser – Super Bowl 2021

Featured in The New York Times, Variety, Good Morning America, The Wall Street Journal, Adweek, amongst others, and parodied on SNL. The film was viewed over 8 million times in the first week of its launch.

Both Katie Couric and Vogue called it the best Super Bowl ad of 2021, which made my mom happy.

ANDY, Gold – Bravery
ANDY, Gold – Idea
Clio, Bronze – Branded Entertainment
D&AD, Wood Pencil – Public Affairs
D&AD, Wood Pencil – Reactive Response
One Show, Gold – PR: Current Event Response
One Show, Silver – PR: Innovation & Transformation
One Show, Bronze – Health, Wellness & Pharma


We made a Super Bowl spot to announce that Budweiser was bowing out of the Super Bowl. Instead of running a traditional ad during the game they donated all the media dollars to COVID-19 relief.

This effort helped raise awareness around COVID vaccinations on behalf of the AdCouncil and helped the good people at DAVID Miami win a whole bunch of awards.

Role: Writer
Agency: DAVID Miami
Creative Director: Jean Zamprogno
Director: Morgan Harary


Project Healthy Minds – Before I


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